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Writing Therapy – Self Care

Beryl Brackett

Updated: May 17, 2022

What do you do when you’re feeling sad or low?

Maybe you reach out to friends or stay in bed watching your favorite series on TV.

Maybe you sit and cry.

Maybe you will eat a pint of ice cream.

Have you ever considered turning to writing as therapy?

I use this form of therapy all the time. When I feel happy and even when I feel sad. Sometimes when I want to get something off my chest and off my mind, I write. When I go back to read it makes little sense, but it made me feel better. Ice cream… of course! I always have my spoon and ice cream with me!

Studies have shown that those who write about their most traumatic or stressful experiences experience better health outcomes.

The stories we tell ourselves give us meaning in our lives. Writing therapy helps you explore the stories you tell yourself, the feelings associated with those events, and what meanings we can draw from events.

Writing can be a powerful, low-cost, and easily accessible therapy. Getting your thoughts and words on paper empowers you to work through difficulties. You might not realize that by writing, you are already working through each problem with a stroke of a pen or pencil.

Writing therapy can help you sort through your feelings around grief, anxiety, life transitions, happy times, or even stress. Writing therapy gives you a safe space to track your progress and self-reflect.

Writing prompts to start exploring your thoughts:

#1 - Start your day with Morning Pages.

Morning Pages, a daily practice popularized by Julia Cameron, are three pages of unfiltered writing. This daily practice of filling three pages with your unfiltered thoughts can help clear your mind to start the day fresh.

#2 - Self-Contract.

Do you feel as if you are stuck and going nowhere and you want to change your life? Write a contract to yourself about how you will change your life to reach your goal. Be as specific as possible and make sure you read it every day.

#3 - Love letter to yourself.

How often do you appreciate and acknowledge yourself? Writing yourself a love letter, or letter of gratitude, can be a great space for you to build a positive relationship with yourself.

#4 - Gratitude.

Studies have shown that gratitude has a positive impact on a person’s well-being. Integrating gratitude journaling into your routine can increase your happiness and well-being.

Number 4 is my favorite writing prompt! Instead of feeling bad for myself and focusing on what’s wrong in the world (my world) I sit down and write the things that I am grateful for. For example, I am grateful to wake up this morning. I can see, I can move. There is a roof over my head. I have a job. When I list things, I am grateful for, my mood immediately changes. I am happy!

As you work through your writing therapy and explore your feelings, you give yourself space to grow and process your feelings. You are giving yourself the best gift of all… SELF CARE.

Try it today and feel the difference!

Beryl Anthony Brackett

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